This pipe scares me. It seems to be an odd choice for the Civil 3D 2008 splash screen.
I'm guessing this is some kind of gas main or something else under pressure. But pipes under pressure don't need the rules that C3D provides in pipe layout...
Its different.
Friday, March 30, 2007
The Pipe is Big
Posted by
Louisa Holland
Friday, March 30, 2007
How NOT to Demo Civil 3D 2008
I conducted my first demo using the new software this week. The group was really excited. One engineer even joked to the project manager, "Stop drooling, Ed!" Moments like that I am so proud of the work I do, when we lowly AE's can actually get engineers and drafters fired up about what they do - and even more amazing - eager to change years of inefficient processes.
When the project manager said, "If this thing makes nice P&P sheets, I'm gunna jump across this table and kiss you!" I said, "It does, but I'm engaged."
The hitch in my giddyup was how I had Civil 3D running. I installed it to my 120 gig external USB drive (which I fondly call the "sock drive" because I protect it by placing it in an old sock). It worked very well except when it came to importing points via the survey database. Slow as molasses in January. I ended up aborting the import and just bringing in the dataset via TXT file. In my defense, I was going to uninstall l it an reinstall it to C prior to the demo. My hubby-to-be advised me not to mess with it so close to go time. He's a programmer and a database guru for PeopleSoft - so I took his advice.
Other than the minor glitch things went very well. I've got a follow-up demo of the survey functionality today!
Posted by
Louisa Holland
Friday, March 30, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
OH! 8!
Happy Happy Joy Joy!
AutoDesk Civil 3D 2008 ships in a few weeks.
Here's a rundown of my favorite new stuff:
- Plan and Profile Sheets - like buttah. Belisimo! Right out of the gate it is more user friendly and faster to set up than either Land Desktop or Eagle Point. Well done boys!
- More Modeless Toolbars - you will swear less frequently when creating design alignments or profiles.
- Lines/Curves Menu - its baaaack, and this time its not playing around. I've already used it to create best fit curves in client's drawings. Use with caution, you may weep with joy.
- More Out-of-the-Box Reports - XSL stuff is mysterious to me. Thankfully, more reports are built in to help a homegirl out.
- More Sub-assemblies - I have not even tried them yet, but I'm still excited.
- More Feature Line Tools - 3D Join? Yeah, baby, yeah!
Posted by
Louisa Holland
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Come for the Civil 3D, Stay for the Dirty Jokes
You know what I love about our industry? You're hard pressed to find people who can't appreciate a dirty joke once and a while. This week my esteemed colleagues Russ, Marketing Mike and myself are at the WLIA show in lovely Appleton , WI. Now, I enjoy trade shows because I get to see a lot of clients all in one spot and get to show off Civil 3D to people who may have never been exposed before. Then there's the friendly teasing of the people running our competitor's booth.
But trade show days get long. So the three of us basically took turns making each other turn red with embarrassment.
A good time was had by all.
Now, I'm not actually going to tell a dirty joke, per se... BUT...
Isn't Forced Insertion illegal in all 50 states?
Posted by
Louisa Holland
Thursday, March 08, 2007