Part 3 of a 10 part series...wait..or was it part 4 of a 12 part series? Oh forget it, here's the whole document!
If you are about to learn Civil 3D 2010 and are coming from an old version of AutoCAD, Microstation or even BricsCAD/IntelliCAD, you’ll need to brush up on your AutoCAD knowledge.
The attached PDF will take you through the bare-bones basics of AutoCAD in preparation to learn Civil 3D 2010.
AutoCAD Skills for C3D Users
If you are taking one of my upcoming classes, I want you to memorize this and sleep with it under your pillow.
BTW My upcoming classes that are open to the public are:
March 22-25th in Madison, WI
April 22-23, 29-30 in Waukesha, WI
Click here to register.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
AutoCAD Skills for C3D Users
Posted by
Louisa Holland
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
All About Breaklines
Spring is around the corner which means the last submittals are due before construction season here in the north. It has been a crazy busy few months for me and my clients, but I'll squeeze in a quick blog post.
Adding breaklines to a surface is simple. From Prospector, expand the surface definition to which you want to add the breakline. Right-click on the Breakline area and select Add. Now you have several options which we will discuss in detail...There are five options when adding breaklines to a surface:
• Standard
• Proximity
• Wall
• From file
• Non-destructive
The first screen-cap shows the triangles on a surface before a breakline is added to the surface.
Compare the spot elevations in the examples to see what is changing with the surface depending on the type of breakline.
The example breakline has elevations at each vertex of 972.0, 967.6 and 969.0.
The second image shows a standard breakline added to the surface. Standard breaklines are the most common type of breakline. Civil 3D uses the line’s vertex elevations and adds them to the surface exactly as they are. Triangles are created and align with the breakline.The third screen-cap shows the breakline added as Proximity.
Elevations from proximity breaklines are ignored and X,Y and Z values are inherited from the nearest triangle vertex. The black line is the original line added as proximity. The green line is how Civil 3D sees it.
This type of breakline can be used when the XY values for a line are known, but the elevations are
unknown.The fourth picture shows a wall breakline in plan view.
A wall breakline is like adding two breaklines, one at the real breakline elevation and one at the height you specify*.
Here is a schematic of the wall breakline in section view with the offset side to the left. The black dot represents the location of the feature line. The cyan squares represent existing surface points.This 5th screen-shot is an example text file in the correct format to be a breakline file. Breakline files can be either space or comma delimited. Breakline files MUST be in the format Easting, Northing, Elevation.
The S in the files denotes the start of a line.
Once the file is imported the elevations are treated exactly like a standard breakline.Non-destructive breaklines do not change the elevation of the surface in any way, but they do change the triangles at the location of the breakline. New triangles are formed but the vertex elevations for those triangles are interpolated from the surface.
*When it comes to wall breaklines there is a teensy, tiny offset in the XY plane. This offset of 0.001' prevents the wall from being perfectly vertical. Civil 3D surface models can't contain caves, overhangs or vertical walls.
I hope you enjoyed this wildly compelling explanation of breaklines. Thanks to K.W. of Seattle for inspiring me!
Posted by
Louisa Holland
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Stop Me if You've Heard This One...
I swear I blogged about this before but I couldn't find it in my own archives.
So you attempt to launch a dialog box, say... Layer Properties Manager or Corridor Properties. You can still move your cursor but the dialog box does not appear. Civil 3D hasn't crashed...just the dialog box has gone AWOL.
If you've recently gone from 2 monitors to one, you may be suffering from what I call "phantom monitor syndrome". Your application dialog box came up on a monitor that you are no longer connected to.
It is an easy fix:
ALT + Spacebar then M
Then use arrow keys (usually the left one) to move the dialog box over to your correct monitor.
ALT + Spacebar activates the Windows options for any dialog box. M chooses "move".
Posted by
Louisa Holland
Wednesday, March 03, 2010