First they delivered on 5.25" floppies...
Then they delivered on 3.5" floppies...
Then they delivered on CD...
Then they delivered on DVD...
Now they are delivering via download...
Starting this year, you will no longer be getting that shiny new DVD box full of disks for your 2011 Autodesk products. The fastest way to get your product software will be to log into subscription center and download it from there.
It's greener, it makes a helluva lotta sense and unless you are living in a cave, you've got an internet connection that will allow you to download this no problem.
However, you can request a physical disk from the Autodesk subscription center at no charge. If you want to let your reseller know ahead of time about your disk preference - go ahead and let us know before March 12, 2010.
I can't wait!
Units - International Feet and US Survey Feet
4 months ago
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