I was wonder if you knew of a good book or resource for Civil 3D Part Builder ?
Hi CD -
Generally when people ask about part builder my advice is generally, "Run. Run away. Run screaming." If there is a specific structure you are looking for that doesn't exist in the default library I usually recommend is using a null structure and snapping a block where you need it.
However, if you are feeling a touch masochistic and have time on your hands - part builder is just the thing for you.
There's no part-builder specific books out there, just a hodge-podge of information put together by Autodesk and a few users. Part builder originated in the MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) side of Autodesk so when you crack it open there are very few indicators that you are building a civil thing. Additionally, even though you think you are in AutoCAD, the minute you are in part builder all your CAD knowledge is useless. Part builder does not recognize autocad lines, arcs, circles etc and needs you to do all the drawing from the part builder interface.
Step 1: Watch this video https://www120.livemeeting.com/cc/autodesklearning/view?id=BSD10-19&pw=AudienceThis was the most helpful to me. It was put together for the MEP side of Autodesk software, but it will give you an idea on how the interface is put together.
Step 2: Read chapters 26 and 27 in the Civil 3D users guide. If you installed civil 3d in the default location, it is located in c:\Program Files\AutoCAD Civil 3d 200X\Help\Civil_UG.pdf. Just read this for the terminology and the tips. Don't bother running through the example because it makes no sense.
Step 3: Download the part builder pdfs from Civil3d.com (you may have to sign up for their website to do so - it's worth your time)
Step 4: Cross your fingers and go for it. Try not to pull out too much hair!
Good luck and hope this helps! -Lou
Units - International Feet and US Survey Feet
3 months ago
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