Monday, March 24, 2008

How to Be One of My Favorites

I admit it, I play favorites when it comes to the people I train and support on a daily basis. But what is the difference between someone I will go to the ends of the earth to help, versus someone I'd rather not give the time of day?

My Faves...

  • Try. They might not understand right away, but they want to.
  • Go through the proper channels for tech support. It drives me up the wall when people call my direct line for tech support - we have a 1-800 number for that, which gets tracked.
  • Are on subscription. Sometimes the best fix is installing a more current release.
  • Listen. It's easy to get worked up when deadlines loom and the software isn't behaving. Talking over me and/or being pushy will not help you.
  • Write things down. Odds are you'll need to need to perform the procedure again at some point. Why not jot down a few notes?
  • Understand the difference between training and support. There's a difference between, "How do I build an alignment?" and "Why is my alignment acting funny?"
  • Realize that there are humans on the other end of the phone line or e-mail correspondence. Its funny, there's this person who insists on referring to me by the name of the company I work for, and acts as if all the email he gets from us were computer generated. This a rarity but it rubs me the wrong way.

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